Wednesday, April 21, 2010

That Tricky Rabbit

This year the Easter Bunny let the games begin with a new tradition ( a good friend of mine shared with me at quilting group called follow the string), so I told the Bunny and he had so much fun with this one. Each person had a different colored string with their name on it sitting on the table. The strings went out the front door and engaged themselves all throughout the woods, under logs, through tree tops, across streams and up and down hills. The object was to follow the string to their Easter baskets. I think the Easter Bunny had as much fun or more than the participants and Nana and I had so much fun watching it all play out. After they found their baskets then it was time to hunt for eggs.  That Tricky rabbit...hid them in the craziest places.  Nana always helps out the rabbit by putting money in the eggs which makes the hunt that much more competitive. Joslyn surprises us all with finding the grand prize egg way high in a tree.  This year she couldn't say that she isn't a good hunter because she walked away with the mother load of cash!
Easter Bunny impersonators! We had such a wonderful Easter at the cabin.  Nana always makes holidays so special with her traditions. She has every possible egg decorator and gadget, along with all sorts of contests.  She made the most amazing dinner and we enjoyed the beautiful talks that were given a conference.

The boys played war in the forest with their new guns, as you can see by their faces they took it very serious.  They love having fun with Grafton, he fits right in!
Quoting Nana, "Happy Easter, Happy Spring, Happy Happy Everything!"


Amber said...

You guys know how to celebrate! I love your big collages. Can't believe I'll be in Az soon! How are the wedding plans? LOve you!

Christina said...

How fun! I love the new and old traditions! You guys are always having a blast! I love to see your cute family and their contagious smiles!

Mindy said...

I love LOVE how you have so much fun celebrating the holidays. And it's so great how you tweak it for older kids! I'm taking copious notes. :)

kristen said...

Hi, I'm a friend of Jolyn's and I have to admit I look on your darling blog from time to time. I love how you have made your pictures appear so big! I'm not very blog savvy, and would love to know how you've done this. Maybe an idea for a future post...a tutorial or something. I would love to learn how to make my pictures bigger.

Unknown said...
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{ mr and mrs jp } said... i love this post. we really did have such a great easter : ) i love how i got forty five bucks too haha : )

Unknown said...

HI there! I miss you! It seems like it has been forever. I am really looking forward to the end of May!:) I too am taking notes! Ha, I think if my big kids read this our days of candy filled eggs hunts will be long gone! GREAT IDEAS! love you XOXOXOXOXOXO

I also noticed the comment my friend Kristen made. I will email her Christina's directions. I want to sit down and try it myself. I met Kristen through Wendy. She is so darling.(don't worry about a blog stalker!:))

Unknown said...

Ha, Monica...this is Jolyn!
I didn't know I was under "Mitch"
Not sure how that happened!

marilyn said...

You always make holidays so fun, I remember when you lived in Utah, you got me to decorate and do things I never would have thought of, you are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!