Saturday, July 25, 2009

"Life is a Highway!"

Laurisa's Light group starts out their performances talking about how life is a highway with bumps, wrong turns, exhilaration and reaching our destination. That is one of my favorite songs they sing. Well this weekend we were tested on the highway of life. I could wrap up my weekend into a good talk on the meaning of life with it's trials and hardships and what the eternal plan of happiness is all about. It was one of those shear learning experiences that required a lot of faith and miracles occurred. It was an incredible experience that taught me amazing lessons in faith and realizing that if we listen to the Spirit we will be watched over and blessed.
Laurisa called me on the way home from my friends cabin and asked if she could drive the van to California. I would have said yes, except I had a horrible feeling come over me, so I called the director to find out what the situation was and he asked if I would drive some of the group in my van. I agreed with a moment's notice, we left the next morning at 6 a.m. Down the highway about 4 hours going 78 miles an hour with 6 young adults in the van we had a tire blowout. Yes our tire was in shreds. It was definitely a trial but we were all safe. About 2 hours later the boys changed the tire and had a new one put on and we were on our way to Six Flags. I am so glad that I listened to my feeling because I don't know if Laurisa would have had the experience as a driver to get over 4 lanes with cars passing going 85 miles an hour with a blown out tire.

We had such a wonderful time at Six Flags and the beach! It was a lot of driving in crazy L.A. traffic though. The whole time I kept saying to myself that I was so glad that I was driving and not my daughter. The traffic was insane and caused us to take 4 hours to get to a beach that was 60 miles away. I drove 22 hours in a 48 hours period. It was worth every minute of stressful traffic just to be in the midst of these amazing individuals. I love each one of these Young Adults. They are truly inspiring and have amazing faith. I also have never laughed so hard! This group knows how to have fun and they always make you feel better about yourself being around them.
We had a true miracle happen on the way home. We left L.A. before the rest of the group so we could get home around midnight. We had a quick stop in Indio California and as we left I noticed the gas gage was on empty. So we looked at the GPS and it said there was a gas station 20 miles away. I knew we were good because my car can go about 25 miles when the gas light goes on. So we were so relieved to take the gas exit when we no sooner noticed there was not a working gas station. It was all boarded up. Cars were circling looking for gas. We got back on the freeway heading toward Blythe and looked on the GPS to see where the nearest gas station was and it said 60 miles. At this point I didn't know what to do. I knew there was no possible way the van could go 80 miles with out gas. So I asked everyone including calling Wade what we should do. It was unanimous, they all said we have to have faith and we'll make it. They all said a prayer and the most peaceful feeling came over me. I knew at that point we would make it. It truly was a miracle when we rolled into the gas station in Blythe 80 miles after the gas light came on. I know it was the faith of these amazing Young Adults. I have never felt so blessed and so protected.
The gas station worker said more people run out of gas on that freeway between Indio and Blythe. We truly witnessed a miracle, thanks to prayers and amazing faith.


Megs said...

WOW!! that is what I say when I read about that! first, Wow that on spur of the moment you were able to literally drop everything to protect Laurisa and her friends! Second, WOW about that tire! I don't think I have EVER seen ANYTHING like that.. how did it shread like that? Third, Wow about the gas! I totally believe in faith combined however and know that God hears and answers those prayers! What a great experience to come out of some pretty stressful situations!
Can't wait to be with you all this week! Love you

Amber said...

What a comfort to be so watched over with a van full of young adults!!!! I'm so glad you are safe. After reading this, I'm going to get water in Megan's car...just in case!

Thanks for sharing a beautiful testimony.

What makes a tire do that? I've seen it happen on semi trucks but never thought of it happening to a regular vehicle.

marilyn said...

Thank you thank you Monica for listening to the spirit, I never saw a tire look like that, you truly were watched over, I know Laurisa is a good driver but that would have been so scary, you are a great Mom, you know whats important no matter what you have to drop, I'm so glad you are all safe and home, maybe stay home for a while except for our reunion of course and maybe get some new tires! Love you can't wait to see all of you!!!!

Widdison Warbler said...

Well, I now have tears in my eyes! What an awesome testimony builder to those young adults. An experience none of you shall forget. You were truly watched over and blessed.

Jackie Heaps said...

What an amazing story! I am so glad you listened to that little voice. It is so wonderful to see the blessings that comes when we are living our best! Thanks for your great example. i am so glad you are OK. SCARY!!!

Christina said...

Wow, I have never seen a tire like that! That is terrifing. Thank goodness for those whisperings! We are so blest!

Ging said...

Dang, gives me chills to think what could've happened! Thank goodness you listened to your feelings! BTW...I love my new necklace. So funny how you seem to be rushing to get one done for me just before you leave town. But it WAS an emergency!!!!!!!

Monica said...

Yes that is what tires look like when you have a blow out! It was such a good tire too. It was only 6 months old and it was a goodyear! It was just a total fluke, they said it could have been the heat!

michelle said...

You truely have had some blessings come your way! I am so glad that everything worked out. I am in town now, are you? We seem to keep missing eachother.