Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Relationships are one of the most important things we have !

Two months before my uncle Jeffs passing I went to visit him in Utah. What an incredible experience to be able to say goodbye. We had so many discussions on life and what this whole journey is all about. Relationships and memories are truly all we have left when loved ones leave us. He told me he wasn't afraid to die. He said that he was ready to meet God. That one statement has had such a profound impact on me! Wouldn't it be wonderful if we all felt that comfortable with our standing with God. I just kept thinking of that scripture that says 'Now is the time to prepare to meet God' My goal is to work on that on a daily basis because none of us know when are earthly existence will be over so we need to treat each day as if it were are last. Easier said than done but it left a strong impression on me that hopefully I can carry with me forever! I love you Uncle Jeff thank you for teaching me what is important.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It’s true that relationships and memories are truly all we have left when loved ones leave. If your relationship is good with your friend, he will remember you till his last breath.

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