Tuesday, October 14, 2008

SpOoKy FaMiLy HoMe EvEniNg

For family night I thought it would be fun to get into the Halloween Spirit of things. We made a spooky candy halloween mansion while watching the Great Pumpkin. Well I should say two of us finished the craft. Laurisa said," how come it is always just you and me whenever we make something as a family?" I told her I guess it is a girl thing because the boys always ditch out! We had fun watching the Great Pumpkin, it brought memories of watching it as a kid. We made a yummy apple cobbler and put together treats for the neighbors to spook attack them! We are all ready for Halloween now! The kids are still figuring out what they want to dress up as--I guess there are somethings that you never out grow!

Laurisa and I didn't eat any of the frosting while we frosted the house!


Amber said...

That is way cute! I don't think I could eat black frosting. Was it good? You are always up to something fun. I want to be your neighbor!

Thanks for the birthday phone call!

Ging said...

Love the black tongues! I can't believe how much you and Larissa look alike. You could be twins!

michelle said...

The spooky house is so cute! I think it is wonderful that you take the time to make such wonderful memories. :)

joslyn marie said...

I missed out!! When i move out you guys do spooky houses! haha. I love you guys. Mexico was so much fun. We miss it already.