Sunday, November 23, 2008

Date with Mitch!!!

I have been looking forward to this date for years! A tradition in our family is that when one of the teenagers turn 16 their first date is with their dad or mom! The girls first date was with their dad and so I've been waiting for Mitch to turn 16 so he could ask me on his first date! It was everything a girl could hope for! He caught me by surprise with a phone call asking me on a date, he told me what time, what we would be doing, and what I should wear! He was an awesome driver and a perfect gentleman! We had so much fun together bowling! I taught him everything I knew and he used it against me and beat me both games! I had fun being his cheer leader and cheering him on! I now call him bowling man! He's got a great strike! After, he treated me to a yogurt at our favorite place--Mesa Frozen Yogurt. It was an awesome date that this Mom will never forget! Girls be ready for a fun date if you are as lucky as me!


Meg said...

Super Cute!

joslyn marie said...

This is so cute!!

Amber said...

After hearing the idea from you, we started the tradition in our family and love it. Your date looks like a forever memory! I can't believe Mitch is 16!!

michelle said...

I think this is such a wonderful thing. This is something the two of you will always remember. Mitch is such a wonderful young man.

marilyn said...

What a great tradition, I'm sure your kids will carry on with this great idea too. Mitch will be a great date, and he knows how to treat a girl, you better watch out you have another dating machine.

Katie said...

I CANNOT keep up with you. You are the official blogger-of-the-year. How do you do everything you do...and then blog about it? I'm tired just reading it all.

Jolyn Buhrley said...

I love that Mitch called you on the phone and officially asked you out! We have looked forward to adopting this traditon too,(just one more year!)It's hard to believe you only have one more "date" to go!!

Ging said...

I love that tradition that you guys have. You are awesome! Love you soooo much. Looking forward to your homemade rolls on Thanksgiving!

linda_khukhukhu said...
